报告题目:How to do research: advice from stellar scholars
报告人:prof. Bin Jiang
报告人简介:Bin Jiang is Professor of Operations Management and the Driehaus Fellow at DePaul University. His research focuses on outsourcing and supply chain management. He has authored over 40 research articles in such journals as Journal of Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Decision Sciences, Supply Chain Management Review, Omega, Academy of Management Perspectives, and Business Horizons, among others. He also published several Japan-related business cases. His articles were awarded the Best Paper in Journal of Operations Management, the Stan Hardy Award, the APICS Best Paper Award, and the Second Place of POMS’ Wickham Skinner Best Unpublished Paper Award.
蒋彬博士是美国DePaul University德里豪斯商学院的运营管理教授和首位德里豪斯学者。他的研究方向为外包及供应链管理。他目前已在Journal of Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Decision Sciences, Supply Chain Management Review, Omega, Academy of Management Perspectives, and Business Horizons等学术刊物上发表40余篇论文,并获得Journal of Operations Management的“最佳论文奖”,Stan Hardy运营管理论文奖,美国生产与库存控制协会(APICS)论文奖,生产运营管理学会(POMS)Wickham Skinner最佳工作论文奖等国际运营管理学科研究奖项。